Baseball Card DT's
Baseball card "DT's" things have slowed for me since the fourth of July is over. So, I have been doing a lot more baseball card blogging. Anyway about 6:00 PM I had a the "URGE" to buy some cards. The problem is I live way out in the country. So, the best I can ever do is Wal-Mart. I was in no mood for E-baying as I couldn't wait for the cards because of the DT's from not buying any! So, my wife and I loaded up and headed some 30 miles to Wal-Mart. In my 35 years of collecting baseball cards I have learned to adjust to different situations. You see, I went from riding my bicycle to the local dime stores and quick stops, into the late 1980's when card shops were everywhere, to now when I either buy my cards on E-bay, trade over the web or travel to the local Wal-Mart 30 miles away. When you finally make it to Wal-Mart, the isle where the sports cards are located is right in the way of the ckeck out lines, so people are backed up into the sports card section waiting to be checked out. I would like to think that people are thinking to themselves when they see me standing in the midst of the sports card section thart they are saying to themselves "Oh there is the great Baseballcardman, I think I will get out of his way" But to my dismay the people just stand in line and stare at me while they are waiting to be checked out. Anyway this one couple comes through the check out line , and apparently one of their kids is having a birthday, I assumed this because they have a birthday cake in their cart. The couple buys the kid a Baseball Card Plus Magazine and several Blaster Boxes of cards (the lucky kid) So, when everyone clears out you would think that my mind is now made up as to what baseball card items I wanted to buy this trip to Wal-Mart. I decided to buy only a couple of 25 card value packs each pack supposedly has a $15 value and and a single 3 pack Baseball cards with the 2007 Goudey being the top pack. I will share more later on, as to what cards I got in my new packs. Surprisingly, in the Goudey pack I did draw an Alex Rodrigues Head Up card. Whew! Thank Goodness, my "DT's" are over with! (For now anyway.)
Where do you live that you have to drive 30 miles to a WalMart? I live in the suburbs of Houston and within 6 miles of my house are 3 WalMarts, 3 Targets, and a Toys R Us I can buy cards at. Not a single baseball card store however.
I live in western Missouri. Midway between K.,C. and Joplin Missouri.
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